A pollinator passion project comes to life.
A passion project that has been many years in the dreaming and now one year in the making, Sycamore Creek Apiary is owned and operated by Greg and Kerri Foulks. When they first started to imagine how they might transform their traditional six-acre lawn into an apiary and wildlife sanctuary, they knew that having an educational component was a must. As they refined this concept, and consulted with the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Resources Conservation Service, they landed on using the apiary as a platform for the public to learn about honey bees, other pollinators, and about the additional wildlife this refuge would attract.
And so, they embarked on this new journey for all to enjoy.
An apiary that’s open to all (when we’re open, anyway).
If you are passionate (or just curious) about honey bees and the many other amazing pollinators native to Ohio, you’re invited to join Sycamore Creek Apiary in this endeavor. We’re open to the public during select weekends throughout the summer, as well as the honey harvest season. Visit us during these times and take a front row seat to watch one of nature’s greatest feats unfold before your eyes.
We post regularly on our blog and Facebook, so that you can follow along virtually, to get the occasional glimpse into how “the girls” (a.k.a. the bees) are progressing. We’ll also post upcoming dates and times that we’ll be open to the public.
Beekeeper fever: unique for every apiarist
After serving 19 years in the United States Air Force, Greg Foulks has since spent more than 20 years as a technology professional. Until recently, his neighbors were less than enthusiastic about his proposal to keep bees on his property, so he delayed this pursuit in favor of keeping the peace. The neighbors have since moved, and Greg and Kerri jumped at the opportunity to launch Sycamore Creek Apiary.
More than just hobbyists, Greg and Kerri are passionate about sharing the importance of bees and other pollinators with others. Because not everyone has the means, the space, or the desire to become a beekeeper, they wanted Sycamore Creek Apiary to be a place where people can gather, learn about bee behavior and the countless benefits that bees and other pollinators bring to the ecosystem.
Greg manages the maintenance of the hives and the technology, and Kerri leads all of the marketing, networking, compliance, quality assurance and idea generation efforts at Sycamore Creek Apiary.